Posts Tagged ‘John McCain’

Since we are celebrating our President’s Inauguration, I felt like turning the clock back and posting a previous segment of Hard In The Paint that I wrote during the Presidential Campaign. Enjoy.

I need to get this off my chest so once again, I’m going HARD IN THE PAINT! Today’s topic…,”WHY ARE AMERICANS SO ANGRY WITH THE PRESIDENT?” Mind you, I’m not just talking angry about his policies but I am talking spit fire angry enough to punch him. Hey listen, I didn’t care for Bush’s policies but I don’t think I ever wanted to assault the man, tell people who liked him to pour syrup on him and eat him up nor compare him to known mad men such as Adolph Hitler or Osama Bin Laden. Where is this underlying hatred coming from? I really wanna know so today I’m taking the time to ask.
Let’s back up and mind you I’ve only heard one Republican speak out on this one specific issue (please see John McCain). Now let’s talk about the Tea Partiers. First of all I don’t know why they call themselves this since they bear no political resemblance to anyone who participated in the Boston Tea Party. I read the history books and the previous Tea Party stood against taxes so to show their disgust, they threw boxes of tea into the Boston Harbor. The current Tea Partiers are nothing more than fascist racists. They show up to Republican Rallies with all types of racial paraphernalia. No one stops them from entering and no one asks them to leave. On video tapes you can spot them loudly saying, “Obama go back to Africa.” In still photos you can see the racial signs they carry with them. Really, and I’m expected to believe this isn’t about race? I don’t recall anyone saying, “Clinton go back to Arkansas” or “Bush go back to Texas.” Heck, Arnold Schwarzenegger is Governor of California and no one is telling him to go back to Thal Australia. I never heard anyone question his place of birth nor ask for his birth certificate. LOL. If I’m not mistaken his English dialect could still use some work. Okay I’m being funny but completely serious at the same time. Oh by the way, isn’t Arnold…wait for it…Republican?
No one from the Republican Party aside from McCain even bothers to chastise these people. They simply run amok and do what they do. Are the Republicans that desperate for a vote? Here’s an idea. Instead of acting like they’re concerned about who should or shouldn’t be registered to vote every four years, they should be concerned about what message their party is inadvertently sending to the thousands of tax-paying citizens in our country. You’re condoning blatant racism just to win a Presidential campaign. It’s a sad day in our country when this is what we are willing to accept to win the most important office in our country. Here’s something of interest, Obama denounced his former Minister (who made some very inflammatory remarks regarding our country which were very racist if I might add) and came out and said he was a devout Christian. Has anyone from the Republican Party denounced the Tea Partiers…disassociated themselves with the Tea Party or came out and said they were a devout “anything?” I cannot imagine if the Democratic Convention was populated by sign toting members of the New Black Panther Party. Smh.
Next on the table, Barack Obama is our first (known) bi racial President. His father is black and from Kenya (yes there is a difference). His mother is white and from America (once again, there is a difference). He came up through poverty while living with his grandmother…who was white. He went to college and graduated. He went to Harvard and graduated. Whether he is the President or not, this is a success story to be proud of, not disgusted of. He is the absolute embodiment of what two races (who have notoriously been at odds throughout history) have to offer when they come together. Heck, the guy has even won the Nobel Peace Prize. Please understand, I’m not talking politics this morning, I’m talking respect for our fellow man which some of us are showing we still don’t have. Not only don’t we have it, we are demonstrating to no ends how far we will go to display…not having it. Hank Williams actually compared Obama to Adolph Hitler. Really; Adolph Hitler? There are those of us who without having met the man actually want to do him bodily harm. My question…why? Why so much anger. Even during the Reagan years, I didn’t care for him but I never would’ve compared this guy to Hitler.
While running for President, he had to endure racial slurs from the Tea Party along with his birth certificate being questioned by everyone and I mean everyone. Really? If that’s the case, I wanna see the birth certificate of every President and then have it authenticated. Oh by the way, I haven’t forgotten about the Congressman who shouted out “Liar” while the President was speaking to Congress. No other President has had to endure that. What makes Barack so different? He takes his wife to dinner, he’s wrong. He buys his daughters a dog and he’s wrong. Yet the same people who say he was wrong for doing all those things have absolutely nothing to say about Bush chilling at his home during Hurricane Katrina.
Heck it took him a couple of days to get to New Orleans. I’m not stating sentiment. I’m stating facts. You wanna say Obama should’ve known that the embassy was going to be attacked, I will raise you one and say Bush should’ve known our country had the potential to be attacked during 9/11. Didn’t Bush have access to the same Central Intelligence Agency that Obama had? How many lives were lost during 9/11 and Katrina? One life is too many but please let’s not get into a body count. Oh by the way…the guy responsible for the 9/11 attacks, Osama Bin Laden is dead and do you know who issued the order…you guessed it…Barack Obama. And if we wanna talk faulty intelligence…I’m still waiting on the Weapons of Mass Destruction to be found. LOL.
Mitt Romney is aggressive in both debates. Okay well during this debate Obama was aggressive as well. Now people are saying Obama came across as desperate. Huh? During this last debate Romney made a comment in regards to how single parenthood breeds violence yet there his son is off camera saying how he wanted to punch the President for calling his dad a liar? Hmmmm…both parents are in his life so what was his excuse for wanting to result to violence. LOL. I wonder what we would have said had one of Obama’s daughters made such a comment. My goodness, we already don’t consider Michelle to be First Lady material because she shows her arms too much and is too active. Michelle exudes nothing but class. She is a loving wife and mother who adores her husband. What more could you ask from a First Lady? Some people say she exercises too much. Really? She just looks different then our usual First Ladies have is what one woman said. Really? I wonder why that is. I really do.
I’ve had the luxury over the past couple of days of engaging in what I consider to be healthy dialogue with two supporters of Mitch Romney and they both got somewhat bothered by the questions I asked and the points I raised. The tone of their responses if I were to copy and paste them here bordered on the “Angry” side and I’m curious as to why so much anger. We all should be. Listen, I’m not saying Barack Obama is perfect. I’m not saying he should or shouldn’t be our next President. Vote your heart but if you do nothing else…go out and vote. What I am saying is that the type of criticism this man has faced since before and since taking office has been like nothing I’ve ever seen before. And I do mean nothing…I’ve ever seen before and sad to say…I don’t believe the disrespect has anything to with his political policies. Maybe it’s about time as a country we stood up and collectively admitted it.